Last week, we screened the 19-minute documentary “Behind the Scenes of Liberation Days” to a lively house of cast and crew at the Capitol Theatre. Nelson high school students, Noah Gaffran, Aydin Long, Graeme Sherman, Dani Snell and Sebastian Bodine, all met with Amy Bohigian over the course of the show’s rehearsals and backstage meetings to interview the cast and crew and document the creation of this play. The documentary explores the issues the characters face as the Dutch were liberated by Canadian troops at the end of WWII along with a candid look at how the Director and all the crew worked collaboratively to create an immersive drama on our local stage. The structure of the documentary was determined early on in the process and was pulled together by the team of filmmakers, as each youth chose a section of the documentary to edit. Thanks to Stephanie Fischer, Capitol Theatre Executive Director and Producer, for making this project possible. Here’s a link to view the full documentary: